#SuitcaseStories: Falling Asleep On A Tuk-Tuk And Running Into Oncoming Traffic

How far would you go to save your phone?

Having relied on a Lifeproof case for over 5-years, I have my fair share of travel stories that would’ve gone terribly wrong for my iPhone if it wasn’t for my case (…spilling a stein of beer on my phone at Oktoberfest, falling fully clothed into a pool in Hoi An, tumbling down a valley while trying to take a selfie 🙃). One story I’ll never forget, however, in which I almost gave my lovely new hostel friends a heart attack – was the day I dropped my phone off a moving tuk-tuk and ran into oncoming traffic to save it 🤦🏽‍♀️

So to set some context: back in June 2017, I was working full-time for AXA. My laptop had broken in a recent scooter accident (a story for another time), and my phone was the ONLY way I could contact my team in Paris. I was also on a very strict budget. If anything happened to my phone and I had to replace it, that was my trip cut in half. No question about it.

I arrived at my hostel and met a wonderful Dutch girl and a lovely Colombian guy. They invited me to join them to Kawasan Falls. It was an early morning start and we spent the entire day cliff jumping, swimming, and exploring the maze of rivers. We were absolutely exhausted by the afternoon and celebrated with beers for the 1.5-hour ride home. The problem with drinking when tired however… I fell asleep.

So on the back of a tuk-tuk going 50km/h, I drifted off and of course – my phone slipped out of my hand and crashed to the ground. I jerked awake and screamed to stop (I had no idea if it had already been run over). I jumped out of the still moving tuk-tuk and started running, arms flailing… into oncoming traffic 😳

There was a tuk-tuk coming straight at me and my phone. It stopped, the poor driver was so confused. I picked up my phone, my stomach lurched as I prepared for the worst. NOT EVEN A SCRATCH!?? I couldn’t believe it 🤯

And that my friends is just one of the many stories that attest to why I will never, ever travel without a Lifeproof case 🤣

My phone has a very clumsy/sometimes irresponsible owner so it’s my literal guardian angel 😇

 Get your Lifeproof FRE Case here: 

Read more: #SuitcaseStories Devil Pools, Predators + Falling Into a Hippo Carcass

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